CSIR has been changed the syllabus of NET JRF and We analyzed the syllabus quite precisely and its seems that many advanced are of research has been included. Although it will be the first exam by new syllabus, we would strongly recommend below guidelines.
Syllabus has been splited into ten units. Here we are highlighting important resources.
Unit 1.
1. Voet and Voet Biochemistry, 2. Stryer Biochemistry, 3. Biology by Campbell Reece
For A,B,C,D : Lodish Molecular Biology , Chapter 29 Eukaryotic gene regulation from Voet and Voet.
For E : Presscott Microbiology
UNIT 3 This unit is most important, if we want to solve many questions.
For A-D Lodish and Voet
A Presscot, B-D Lodish, E Kuby and Pressoctt
Developmental biology by gilbert
Albert Lodish and voet has good chapter on development biology. good for review or introduction.
Plant Physiology : Buchanan and for some topics consult Voet and Voet
Animal Physiology : An Ebook by wikipedia found to be really important. But there are many printed books are also available. Go for any basic book. This topic will not covers too many questions.
This is another important unit which students should get command.
Gardner, Griffith and Benjamin. Read precisely and solve all the questions.
Biology by Reece
NCERT Book of 11 and 12
Biology by Raven
Ecology by smith and smith
Ecology by PD Sharma
We dont have any good reference. All we rely on notes from various sources and electronic forms. We would appreciate if somebody can recommend some good books.
Segel Biochemical Calculation
Wilson and Walker Instrumentation
Old and Primrose : RDT
TA Brown : RDT
For Stats and Bioinfo we have notes.
Other Important Resources
Podcast : listen and watch the video and audio podcast from University sites. Use ItuneU and an Ipod to download the videos and audio podcasts.
Question banks: Solve the question and try to understand the concepts
Review and Lecture notes : Good for revision
Ebooks : There are plenty of ebooks are available. at http://biobooke.blogspot.com/
English Improvement : Its most important to write correctly to get good marks.
The more you solved the question, the chance is high to get selected. Try to solve it.
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